Kampen mod overvågningskapitalismen fortsætter

Fra Wired om sidste uges nyhed.

Right now, Meta users opt in to personalized advertising by agreeing to the company’s terms of service—a lengthy contract users must accept to use its products. In a ruling [on January 4th], Ireland’s data watchdog, which oversees Meta because the company’s EU headquarters are based in Dublin, said bundling personalized ads with terms of service in this way was a violation of GDPR. The ruling is a response to two complaints, both made on the day GDPR came into force in 2018.

Der er lang vej endnu – og som jeg tidligere har skrevet tror jeg ligeså meget det handler om kapitalsme som om ‘Big Tech’ – men det er da et skridt i den rigtige retning…

8 January 2023 ·

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