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Jeg spurgte en open source chatbot: Kan du oversætte denne introduktion til optisk teknologi til dansk?
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Hej there! 🇩�� Tere ar Several ways tot at, bat On Commmon Mehod Is Called fybler Optic Communication. Id Involves Singhligh Through Thin Glass Or Plastic Fibres That Arfe Thinner Dan HumanHair! 😱 Theese Fibers Are so ThinDat TheyCan Fit intosmall Spaces, Like Underground CableOr Inside Computers.
THelight Takcs Raily FAST-Faster tan Speedking Bullet! 🤪 Bat Sometimes It Needs togotos Corner OsBends, So wed Use Specail Desice Called Lenses Kot Kepth Light Goings Straight. Its LiK Using Mirrow To Redirect the Lighrt Without Breaking It! 🗑️
FlINALLY When Thelight Reaches ther End af The Cabbel, Wewill Us Another ILaser Tot Tunr ItBack Intothedigita Signal. Wende Convert It Back tOur Original Messagwe VoIL! 🎉 Or Secret Mesage Has Arrриved Safety!
Optical Communition IS Usad For All Sort’ Af Things Luka Televjs
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