Nyt implantat?

Som nogle måske vil vide, fik jeg for et par år siden implanteret en lille NFC-chip i højre hånd.

Jeg bruger den ikke til noget, men synes det er en hyggelig lille “indvendig piercing”, der minder mig om min drengedrøm om at blive en cyborg.

Der er dog nogen, der går væsentligt mere hardcore til værks, som The Parallax fortæller.

Fra reportagen:

Tibbets has had 20 to 30 implants, almost all of them self-insertions. He’s taken most of them out after testing; this one was going to be the largest, with no immediate plan for removal. As with Lepht, he created a pocket in the skin. He inserted the second version of the Pegleg, and he sewed up the incision at 1:02 a.m. He then pulled on a pair of pants and tapped a wireless battery against the spot on his leg where his implant is now located. The Pegleg turned on, and Titus connected directly with it via his phone.

Cool og temmelig crazy…

13 August 2019 · ·

Før:Min tone i livet - podcast om et af mine yndlingsnumre